08 January 2010

We’re not techno-hermits

Contrary to popular belief, technology is not leading to social isolation and people who use the internet and mobile phones have larger and more diverse social networks, according to a new study. Keith Hampton, lead author of the report by the Pew Internet and American Life Project and assistant professor of communication at the University of Pennsylvania said, "People's social worlds are enhanced by new communication technologies. It is a mistake to believe that internet use and mobile phones plunge people into a spiral of isolation."

The authors said key findings of the study - "Social Isolation and New Technology" - "challenge previous research and commonplace fears about the harmful social impact of new technology. There is a tendency by critics to blame technology first when social change occurs. 
This is the first research that actually explores the connection between technology use and social isolation and we find the opposite. It turns out that those who use the internet and mobile phones have notable social advantages. People use the technology to stay in touch and share information in ways that keep them socially active and connected to their communities."
The study found that six per cent of Americans can be described as socially isolated - a figure that has hardly changed since 1985. People's discussion networks (those with whom they discuss important matters) and core networks (their closest and most significant confidants), are larger among technology users. At the same time, the study found that Americans' discussion networks have shrunk by about one-third since 1985.

The study involved telephone interviews with 2,512 adults between July 9, 2008 and August 10, 2008 and has a sampling error of 2.1 per cent. Source: AFP, in Sydney Morning Herald, 5 November 2009. tinyurl.com/ydhy8sg

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