Out of the satnav motorists, more than one in 10 said the machines took them on a long-winded route. Four fifths are happy with the system. "It seems we have a generational satnav age gap," said Ronan Hart, Autonational's marketing manager. But Hart reckons that sat-nav is making younger drivers lazier and less geographically aware.
Also, last year it was reported that satellite navigation systems were blamed for causing around 300,000 people to crash in Britain, while a further 1.5 million admitted performing sudden direction changes because they were following the devices' directions.
Andrew Howard, head of road safety at the AA noted that, "When you're driving a car, a satnav is a darn site easier and safer to use than a roadmap, but when sitting in the living room plotting what to do a roadmap is easier to use... The question is whether they are supplementary or complementary." Source: The Telegraph, 14 September 2009. tinyurl.com/y99nhne